Press Pause

Susan Talbot

Posted on July 01 2020

Press Pause

It is after all only a pause…it is not a full-on stop.

I was once told that the healing happens in the pause.  There are many books written regarding how to pause before we act or react, how to learn to release stress, anxiety and stabilize our blood pressure through breath pause work. Of course ideas for how to keep yourself occupied when you are forced to press pause in your life because of an illness, accident or weather exist as well.

This Current Pause is a new one for most of us. It has caused significant stress from a health perspective and has painted a fairly bleak financial forecast for the most immediate future… And let’s be honest, way down the road when all is well, all of this “new found” money needs to be paid back.  Eek!

Well since you have to social distance and you will quickly get bored with watching reruns or movies on TV, etc.  I wanted to share my thoughts with you about how to “properly” Pause during this time.

MOVE every single day!  Walk up and down your steps. Heck walk around in circles if you need to, just move. Host a virtual dance party with your friends or host a workout party.  There are lots of options, be creative and have fun with this.

MAKE a list of things that you have been putting off because of a lack of time, then do those things.  Play board games with your kids. Write, read, draw, or organize your closet.  Set a goal for each item on that list and work toward its completion.

CALL or video chat with your loved one regularly, especially those close to you who might be considered at risk for infection, suffer from depression or loneliness.

DONATE! Many non-profits are going to be cash poor very soon.  Keep them in mind when you are budgeting for the remainder of the year.

AVOID watching the news or media updates too frequently.  They have a way of making things seem much worse than they are. Each time reporting a story with more dark adjectives, it is easy to get lost in that black hole if you spend too much time with them.

PRACTICE stress-relieving strategies.  This includes yoga (try legs up the wall), meditation, mindful breathing (count 4 on the inhale and 4 on the exhale), dance, sing, take a warm bath in lavender or rose oils, have a cup of chamomile tea, practice a self-kindness mantra (ex. I am a perfectly unique), or just be.  I promise that worrying about things has never helped anyone. 

 Yoga Pose

WATCH what you are ingesting! This is huge. Everything we ingest affects our minds, bodies, and yes spirit. Think about it, if you are what you eat, your mood can and is affected by what we see, hear, or think.

KEEP IT CLEAN! Clean eating is a must. Each fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Keep your protein lean. I know it is easier just to grab something quick that has little nutritional value but if you are self-isolating, you have time to make an awesome nutritious meal. So, pull out your favorite recipes or try something new. Your body and mind will thank you.
REMEMBER Your ABCDE and Zinc’s- Eat foods high in these nutrients to help boost your immunity and keep yourself in tip-top shape.

  • Vitamin A rich foods include sweet potatoes, carrots, tuna, and butternut squash.
  • Vitamin B rich foods include leafy greens, eggs, legumes, yogurt, chicken and turkey, and salmon.
  • Vitamin C rich foods include guava, kiwi, bell peppers, strawberries, oranges, broccoli, kale, and tomatoes.
  • Vitamin D rich foods include salmon, sardines, oysters, shrimp, egg yolks, mushrooms, soy milk and cows milk.
  • Vitamin E rich foods include sunflower seeds, almonds, wheat germ oil, hazelnuts, abalone, pine nuts and peanuts.
  • Foods high in zinc include red meat (yes, I wrote that), shellfish, legumes, hemp seed, squash, pumpkin and sesame seeds too, as well as cashew nuts. Both regular and sweet potatoes also provide zinc. But the best one (IMHO) is dark chocolate! You got that? I knew my guilty pleasure was good for me.

BE CREATIVE in mixing foods together. Granny (aka my mom) taught us to create a color palette on each plate. There should be a green, yellow or orange and a protein. As a kid I thought it was for aesthetics and didn’t realize that she was using a creative way to keep us eating healthy. She was also an expert on stretching a grocery dollar until it screamed. I mean, she fed a family of 8 on a budget. I am so thankful that I learned these lessons from her.

TAKE TIME to learn something new. I am truly a student of the world and love learning new things. In fact, I just finished my certification as a master herbalist! This has got me planning my herb garden for the summers in CT and looking to a positive healthy future. Accomplishments have a way of resetting our mood and mindset.


Stay safe, be well.

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